Engaging Science, Technology, and Society
But Is It Sociology?
Monica J. Casper1 
[1] University of Arizona;
关键词: animal studies;    articulation work;    boundary objects;    Chicago School;    critical body studies;    disability studies;    first-generation;    epistemic cultures;   
DOI  :  10.17351/ests2016.44
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This essay explores issues of trandisciplinarity through an autobiographical lens. Specifically, the essay attends to tensions between the discipline of sociology and interdisciplinary science, knowledge, and technology studies, with an emphasis on differing epistemic cultures in each. The author suggests the promise of border-crossings outweighs the challenges, and advocates for a reflexive practice that names our intellectual and political commitments. Eschewing traditional notions of objectivity, the author calls for transdisciplinary and public engagement.

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