Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Cardiobacterium hominis-induced acute dacryocystitis and lacrimal abscess
关键词: Mean deviation;    non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy;    short fluctuations;    short wave automated perimetry;    standard automated perimetry;    Antimicrobial effect;    conventional silicone oil;    endophthalmitis agents;    heavy silicone oil;    Keratoconus;    modified deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty;    steep corneal curvature;    Bevacizumab;    branch retinal vein occlusion;    intravitreal;    macular edema;    triamcinolone;    Blindness;    disability evaluation;    quality of life;    visual acuity;    Mitomycin C;    pterygium recurrence;    pterygium surgery;    subconjunctival bevacizumab injection;    Imaging in glaucoma;    optical coherence tomography;    pediatric;    retinal nerve fiber layer;    Autogenous tissue grafting;    lacrimal drainage system;    lacrimal fossa;    bypass surgery;    Cornea;    excimer laser;    growth factors;    myopia;    photorefractive keratectomy;    Triamcinolone acetonide;    human trabecular meshwork cells;    in vitro;    Hyperopic implantable collamer lens;    myopic implantable collamer lens;    optical quality;    wavefront aberrations;    Dacryocystorhinostomy;    nasolacrimal duct obstruction;    silicone tube;    Age;    anterior chamber depth;    body height;    primary angle closure glaucoma;    sex;    Children;    eye injury vitrectomy study;    eye injury;    trauma;    vitrectomy;    Corneal biomechanics;    corneal hysteresis;    corneal resistance factor;    intraocular pressure;    keratoplasty;    ocular response analyser;    Aspherical intraocular lens;    quality of vision;    spherical aberrations;    Benign;    excision;    lids and caruncle;    no recurrence;    ocular FH;    inflammation;    sterile endophthalmitis;    Carotid artery disease;    ocular ischemic syndrome;    retinal emboli;    Blindness;    cataract;    India;    low vision;    population;    Awareness;    glaucoma;    knowledge;    North India;    Aphakia;    capsular support;    inadequate;    intraocular lens implantation;    iris fixation;    Extra macular BRVO;    hyperhomocysteinemia;    multiple BRVO;    Medial canthus;    recurrent;    retiform hemangioendothelioma;    Optic atrophy;    osteopetrosis;    Lacrimal abscess;    dacryocystitis;    cardiobacterium hominis;   
DOI  :  10.4103/0301-4738.116461
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Cardiobacterium hominis is a member of the HACEK (Haemophilus sp., Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, C. hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingella kingae) group commonly associated with endocarditits and is normally present in the respiratory tract. We describe the first case of acute dacryocystitis with lacrimal abscess caused by C. hominis along with a brief review of the literature. The patient responded to oral and topical ciprofloxacin after incision and drainage and awaits dacryocystorhinostomy.

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