Assessment of Selected Characteristics of Enrichment Products for Regular and Irregular Aggregates Beneficiation in Pulsating Jig
Tomasz Gawenda1  Daniel Saramak1  Agata Stempkowska1  Zdzisław Naziemiec2 
[1]Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30 Av., 30-059 Cracow, Poland
[2]Lukasiewicz-Institute of Ceramic Building Materials in Cracow, Cementowa 8 Str., 31-983 Cracow, Poland
关键词: aggregates;    jig beneficiation;    mineral processing;    raw materials;    separation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/min11070777
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Article concerns problem of jig beneficiation of mineral aggregates and focuses especially on problem of separation of hard-enrichable materials. Investigative programme covered tests in laboratory and semi-plant scale and material with different content of regular and irregular particles, along with various particle size fractions, was under analysis. Two patented solutions were utilized as methodological approach and densities and absorbabilities of individual products were determined and major novelty of approach consist in separate beneficiation of regular and irregular particles. Results of laboratory investigations showed that more favorable separation effectiveness was observed for the narrow particle size fractions of feed material. In terms of absorbability difference between separation products from I and IV layer was 0.4–0.5% higher for regular particles, and up to 0.5% higher for irregular grains. Differences in densities of respective products were 0.1% higher for regular particles. Results of semi-plant tests confirmed the outcomes achieved in laboratory scale. The qualitative characteristics of separation products in terms of micro-Deval and LA comminution resistance indices were one category higher for regular particles, and two categories higher for irregular grains, comparing to the raw material.
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