Child Health Nursing Research
Effects of Social Capital, Labor Intensity and Incivility on Job Burnout in Pediatric Nurses
Won Soon Kim1  Jung Mi Kang1  Hun Ha Cho1 
[1] College of Nursing, Kosin University, Busan, Korea;
关键词: Social capital;    Labor intensity;    Incivility;    Job burnout;    Pediatric nurses;   
DOI  :  10.4094/chnr.2017.23.1.61
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between social capital, labor intensity and incivility and effects the job burn-out in pediatric nurses. Methods: A survey is conducted with 186 nurses working in pediatric units at 10 hospital in B, Y, K city. The data was analyzed with SPSS 21.0 program using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Scheffés test and multiple linear regression analysis. Results: A score of 3.31 out of 5 for the level of social capital, a score of 3.16 out of 5 on the labor intensity, and 2.20 points on a 5 point on incivility, 4.15 points on a 7 point on job burnout. Job burnout explained 21.7% of the variance in incivility, social capital-shared values, job satisfaction, and labor intensity. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the major factors effecting pediatric nurses job burnout are incivility. Thus, in order to reduce pediatric nurses job burnout are to investigate degree of incivility, it is nesessary to develop intervention programs to incivility and labor intensity that reduced organizational level of measures need to establish.

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