Virtual Archaeology Review
Interoperability of photogrammetry in 3D modeling: documentation, research and dissemination in the archaeological site of Jamila
David Vacas Madrid1  Rocío Losa Sánchez1  Pedro R. Moya-Maleno1  Juan Tormejón Valdelomar1 
[1]Proyecto Arqueológico 'Entorno Jamila'
关键词: Photogrammetry;    3d modeling;    Research;    Public archaeology;    Jamila;   
DOI  :  10.4995/var.2015.4377
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper intends to be a sample, both theoretical and practical, of a protocol for the use of photogrammetric resources when generating a three-dimensional archaeological model. The use of said resources allows to cheaply compile, systematise, use and share the generated data –photogrammetric and 3D- in order to both work with hypothesis and share the knowledge –via online repositories with an academic public or with a wider audience using didactics and other means of spreading History and Archaeology–. As an example, the article analyses the possibilities and problems detected when applying said protocol at the site of the Columnated Building of Jamila (Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain). This archaeological site is ideal to put said protocol into practice, as one of its team’s aims is the public spreading of Archaeology of the site. Furthermore, it lacks information from its first archaeological seasons and a complex historical and archaeological interpretation, being a place with several reoccupations, some of them with unique typologies.
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