Demand and Storage Management in a Prosumer Nanogrid Based on Energy Forecasting
Eva González-Romera1  Enrique Romero-Cadaval1  Mercedes Ruiz-Cortés1  Joaquín Garrido-Zafra2  Antonio Moreno-Munoz2  Juan-José González-de-la-Rosa3  Olivia Florencias-Oliveros3 
[1]Electric, Electronic and Control Engineering Department, University of Extremadura, 06006 Badajoz, Spain
[2]Electronics and Computer Engineering Department, University of Cordoba, 14071 Cordoba, Spain
[3]Research Group PAIDI-TIC-168, Computational Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics, University of Cádiz, E-11202 Algeciras, Spain
关键词: nanogrids;    energy management systems;    energy monitoring;    smart appliances;    demand response;    energy storage systems;   
DOI  :  10.3390/electronics9020363
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Energy efficiency and consumers’ role in the energy system are among the strategic research topics in power systems these days. Smart grids (SG) and, specifically, microgrids, are key tools for these purposes. This paper presents a three-stage strategy for energy management in a prosumer nanogrid. Firstly, energy monitoring is performed and time-space compression is applied as a tool for forecasting energy resources and power quality (PQ) indices; secondly, demand is managed, taking advantage of smart appliances (SA) to reduce the electricity bill; finally, energy storage systems (ESS) are also managed to better match the forecasted generation of each prosumer. Results show how these strategies can be coordinated to contribute to energy management in the prosumer nanogrid. A simulation test is included, which proves how effectively the prosumers’ power converters track the power setpoints obtained from the proposed strategy.
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