Leptin-Activity Modulators and Their Potential Pharmaceutical Applications
Sebastiano Andò1  Marianna Greco1  Alessandra Comandè1  Marzia De Santo1  Emilia Lucia Belsito1  Angelo Liguori1  Antonella Leggio1 
[1]Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
关键词: leptin;    leptin receptor;    leptin-activity modulators;    peptide antagonists;    leptin mutants;    monoclonal antibodies;   
DOI  :  10.3390/biom11071045
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Leptin, a multifunctional hormone primarily, but not exclusively, secreted in adipose tissue, is implicated in a wide range of biological functions that control different processes, such as the regulation of body weight and energy expenditure, reproductive function, immune response, and bone metabolism. In addition, leptin can exert angiogenic and mitogenic actions in peripheral organs. Leptin biological activities are greatly related to its interaction with the leptin receptor. Both leptin excess and leptin deficiency, as well as leptin resistance, are correlated with different human pathologies, such as autoimmune diseases and cancers, making leptin and leptin receptor important drug targets. The development of leptin signaling modulators represents a promising strategy for the treatment of cancers and other leptin-related diseases. In the present manuscript, we provide an update review about leptin-activity modulators, comprising leptin mutants, peptide-based leptin modulators, as well as leptin and leptin receptor specific monoclonal antibodies and nanobodies.
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