Textos de Economia
The rules of microcredit in the local sphere:evidences from Family Bank Program in the Santa Catarina State
Roniel Antonio da Silva1  Lauro Francisco Mattei2 
[1] Banco do Brasil;Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC);
关键词: Microcrédito;    Desenvolvimento local;    Banco da família;   
DOI  :  10.5007/2175-8085.2018v21n1p125
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article we are analyzing the effects of microfinance program in the local situation with emphases on the Family Bank experience in the city called Lages. In the beginning, we wrote a short discussion about this credit system in Brazil and Santa Catarina State. After them, we described the most important institutions that are working in this area in Santa Catarina State. Finally, we presented a case of study that took a place in Lages with customers and workers of Family Bank Agency. The main results of this study were a better quality of life and an expansion of the business, with positive effects also in the local development conditions.

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