Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика
Associations of circulating biomarkers with the presence and severity of coronary, carotid and femoral arterial atherosclerosis
N. E. Gavrilova1  N. L. Bogdanova2  B. A. Rudenko2  O. M. Drapkina3  V. A. Kutsenko3  M. V. Zhatkina3  V. A. Metelskaya4  E. B. Yarovaya5 
[1] O.M. Filatov City Clinical Hospital № 15;M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University;National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine;National Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine;Scandinavian Health Center;
关键词: atherosclerosis;    biomarkers;    coronary arteries;    carotid arteries;    femoral arteries;    non-invasive diagnostics;   
DOI  :  10.15829/1728-8800-2021-3098
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Aim. To identify and characterize the associations of the presence and severity of atherosclerosis of various localization with the blood level of biochemical parameters, as well as to assess the potential of their use as markers of metabolic disorders with increased atherogenic potential.Material and methods. The study included 216 patients (men, 53%) aged 24-87 years (mean age, 61,5±10,73 years). All patients underwent coronary angiography, carotid (CA) and femoral arterial (FA) duplex ultrasound to assess the presence and severity of atherosclerosis. In blood serum/plasma, biochemical parameters were analyzed using standard methods.Results. Based on the analysis of circulating biomarker profile, diagnostic complexes have been established that allow assessing atherosclerosis of different localization. According to the data obtained, the determinants of coronary and CA atherosclerosis are endothelial dysfunction (concentration of nitric oxide metabolites <36,0 μmol/L) and an increased level of creatinine (≥73,0 μmol/L). The specific markers associated with severe atherosclerosis of coronary and FAs (but not CA) were low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (≤1,0/1,2 μmol/L for male/ female, respectively) and an increased C-reactive protein level (≥1,0 mg/l). Severe peripheral atherosclerosis (CA and FA involvement) was associated with hyperglycemia (glucose ≥6,1 μmol/L), while severe FA atherosclerosis — with hyperinsulinemia (insulin ≥14,0 μU/ml).Conclusion. The analysis of associations of circulating biochemical parameters with atherosclerosis localization and severity revealed a number of metabolic markers associated with the increased atherogenic potential. It is possible to distinguish both universal parameters that are associated with atherosclerosis, regardless of its localization and/or severity, and specific biomarkers that characterize either the localization or the severity of atherosclerosis, or both.

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