Revista Odisséia
Marginal ou canônico? A superação da reprodução de discursos hegemônicos por meio da literatura em espaços formativos
Maria das Graças Ferreira Lobino1  Fernanda Santana Santos2 
[1] Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo (Ifes);Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo;
关键词: marginal literature;    literary canons;    democratic education;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.21680/1983-2435.2021v6n1ID22508
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Inthiswork,weproposetoconsiderwhatisconsidered“marginalliterature” and what is canonical, assuming that it is not only the aesthetic criteria that delimitanddemarcatesuchcategories,andthushavingacertaininfluenceofhegemonic ideals in productions, receptions and literary circulations. In this context, it isworthnotingthat,inadditiontotheproductionsphere,aovervaluationandreproduction of the canons to the detriment of the production considered peripheral, which is conveyed on the margins of the renowned editorial corridors and educational environments; but directly linked to the historical, social and cultural context of society. Urgingforeffectiveinsertion,dissemination,employmentandapproximationswithEducation in all its spaces and levels; thus establishing a democratic and contextualized teaching, for this, we also present an educational proposal linked to the teaching of Literature.

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