Turbine Rotor Dynamics Models Considering Foundation and Stator Effects
Petr Polcar1  Miroslav Balda1  Pavel Polach1  Michal Hajžman1 
[1] Research and Testing Institute Plzen, Tylova 1581/46, 301 00 Plzen, Czech Republic;
关键词: rotor dynamics;    steam turbine;    foundation;    vibration;    Campbell diagram;    unbalance;   
DOI  :  10.3390/machines10020077
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper deals with the modelling of turbine rotors, including a foundation and stator parts, and with their dynamic analysis. The dynamics of turbines can be strongly influenced by the effects of a rotor foundation, and therefore suitable modelling approaches should be developed to obtain proper analysis tools. The standard methods for the modelling of rotating shafts are summarized in the paper, and two approaches to including foundation effects into dynamic models are introduced. The approach based on the dynamic compliance of the foundation with respect to the rotor angular velocity is compared with the approach based on the modal synthesis of rotor and foundation models. The calculation of modal properties is then demonstrated, and the characteristics of both presented methods are discussed. A comparison of the steady-state dynamic response calculated using both methods is shown. It can be concluded that both approaches can be advantageously used for several analyses, and our final recommendations are given in the conclusions.

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