University of Sindh Journal of Information and Communication Technology
Process Mining Approach Towards Optimization of ERP Business Processes: A Case Study of Healthcare
Nauman Riaz Choudhary1  Naveed Anwer Butt1  Huma Jabeen1  Reema Choudhary1  Ayesha Rashid2 
[1] ;University of Gujrat;
关键词: conformance, ERP system;    Data Mining;    Process Mining;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Today enterprises are growing in size supporting globally distributed and vigorous businesses involving huge number of events. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have a particular way of recording activities in the form of event logs. Business Intelligence aims to improve decision making processes and efficiency of the systems for that, organizations having ERP systems apply process mining techniques to extract information from event logs and analyze the actual business processes underlying the organizations. In this paper we have focused on one of the three features of process mining application i.e. discovery of process model with control flow perspective. Case study of a Pakistani Enterprise has been presented to analyze the results of three applied discovery algorithms Alpha Miner, Fuzzy Model and Heuristic Miner have determined the most frequent behaviors underlying its complaint monitoring process. To have so-called ideal process model discovery, preprocessing is the most essential and initial phase. ProM framework and DISCO tool has been used to analyze and visualize the results of process mining techniques.

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