International Journal of Emergency Medicine
Knowledge of and attitudes towards cardiopulmonary resuscitation among junior doctors and medical students in Upper Egypt: cross-sectional study
Yaseen Saleh1  Jon Mark Hirshon2  Zeinab Mohammed3  Ahmed Arafa3  Eman Mohammed AbdelSalam4  Hassnaa Shaban5  Mohamed Dardir5  Asmaa Taha5 
[1]College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
[2]Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Maryland
[3]Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University
[4]Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University
[5]Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University
关键词: Medical students;    Junior doctors;    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;    Knowledge;    Training;    Attitude;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12245-020-00277-x
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a fundamental skill that should be acquired by all medical community members. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of junior doctors and medical students towards CPR and CPR training at Beni-Suef University Hospital in Upper Egypt, a representative region with conditions common to LMIC settings. Participants and methods In this cross-sectional study, a total of 205 participants (60 junior doctors and 145 medical students) responded to a self-administered questionnaire assessing their knowledge regarding basic life support (BLS) and CPR techniques in neonates, children, and adults, in addition to attitudes towards the importance and necessity of CPR and CPR training. Results Of the 60 junior doctors that participated in the study, only 31.7% had adequate knowledge of CPR, but up to 95% reported positive attitudes towards CPR training. Among the 145 medical student participants, only 6.2% had adequate knowledge of CPR, while 91% reported positive attitudes towards training. Deficiencies in CPR knowledge were more apparent in questions related to CPR in children and neonates. Junior doctors and medical students with previous CPR training demonstrated significantly better CPR knowledge than their counterparts without prior training. A statistically significant positive correlation was detected between CPR knowledge and attitude towards CPR training among medical students (r = 0.41, p < 0.001). Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate suboptimal and inadequate CPR knowledge among junior doctors and medical students in a representative hospital in Upper Egypt. However, participants reported overwhelmingly positive attitudes and eagerness towards the implementation of CPR training. Further research needs to be done to establish CPR skill proficiency as well as to investigate barriers to CPR training, effectiveness of available programs, and the potential implementation of such a program in Egypt and other LMICs.
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