Advanced Science
Proximity‐Induced Novel Ferromagnetism Accompanied with Resolute Metallicity in NdNiO3 Heterostructure
Tanmoy Das1  Marisa Medarde2  Joël Mesot3  Christan E. Matt4  Rajendra S. Dhaka4  Zhiming Wang4  Luc Patthey4  Nicholas C. Plumb4  Milan Radović4  Jasmin Jandke4  Anna Zakharova4  Ming Shi4  Eduardo B. Guedes4  Muntaser Naamneh4  Zoran Ristic4  Cinthia Piamonteze4  Marco Caputo4 
[1] Department of Physics Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560012 India;Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Experiments Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen CH‐5232 Switzerland;Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen CH‐5232 Switzerland;Photon Science Division Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen CH‐5232 Switzerland;
关键词: magnetic coupling;    metal–insulator transition;    proximity effect;   
DOI  :  10.1002/advs.202101516
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Employing X‐ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), angle‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and momentum‐resolved density fluctuation (MRDF) theory, the magnetic and electronic properties of ultrathin NdNiO3 (NNO) film in proximity to ferromagnetic (FM) La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) layer are investigated. The experimental data shows the direct magnetic coupling between the nickelate film and the manganite layer which causes an unusual ferromagnetic (FM) phase in NNO. Moreover, it is shown the metal–insulator transition in the NNO layer, identified by an abrupt suppression of ARPES spectral weight near the Fermi level (EF), is absent. This observation suggests that the insulating AFM ground state is quenched in proximity to the FM layer. Combining the experimental data (XMCD and AREPS) with the momentum‐resolved density fluctuation calculation (MRDF) reveals a direct link between the MIT and the magnetic orders in NNO systems. This work demonstrates that the proximity layer order can be broadly used to modify physical properties and enrich the phase diagram of RENiO3 (RE = rare‐earth element).

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