Efficient Hybrid Emergency Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Nadine Bou Dargham1  Jacques Bou Abdo2  Abdallah Makhoul3  Christophe Guyeux3  Jacques Demerjian4 
[1] Faculty of Engineering, Notre Dame University, Deir El Kamar P.O. Box 72, Lebanon;Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Notre Dame University, Deir El Kamar P.O. Box 72, Lebanon;Femto-ST Institute, UMR CNRS 6174, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 90000 Besançon, France;LARIFA-EDST, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, 90656 Fanar, Lebanon;
关键词: BSN;    MAC;    DTDMA;    DS-CDMA;    delay;    packet drop;    energy consumption;    OPNET;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s18103572
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In Body Sensor Networks (BSNs), two types of events should be addressed: periodic and emergency events. Traffic rate is usually low during periodic observation, and becomes very high upon emergency. One of the main and challenging requirements of BSNs is to design Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols that guarantee immediate and reliable transmission of data in emergency situations, while maintaining high energy efficiency in non-emergency conditions. In this paper, we propose a new emergency aware hybrid DTDMA/DS-CDMA protocol that can accommodate BSN traffic variations by addressing emergency and periodic traffic requirements. It takes advantage of the high delay efficiency of DS-CDMA in traffic burst, and the high energy efficiency of DTDMA in periodic traffic. The proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of delay, packet drop percentage, and energy consumption. Different OPNET simulations are performed for various number of nodes carrying emergency data, and for various payload sizes. The protocol performance is compared to other existing hybrid protocols. Results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the others in terms of delay and packet drop percentage for different number of nodes carrying emergency data, as well as for different payload sizes. It also offers the highest energy efficiency during periodic observation, while adjusting the energy consumption during emergency by assigning spreading codes only to nodes holding emergency data.

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