Frontiers in Microbiology
New Insights Into the Mechanisms and Biological Roles of D-Amino Acids in Complex Eco-Systems
关键词: D-amino acids;    D-methionine;    D-arginine;    bacteria;    cell wall;    Vibrio cholerae;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fmicb.2018.00683
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the environment bacteria share their habitat with a great diversity of organisms, from microbes to humans, animals and plants. In these complex communities, the production of extracellular effectors is a common strategy to control the biodiversity by interfering with the growth and/or viability of nearby microbes. One of such effectors relies on the production and release of extracellular D-amino acids which regulate diverse cellular processes such as cell wall biogenesis, biofilm integrity, and spore germination. Non-canonical D-amino acids are mainly produced by broad spectrum racemases (Bsr). Bsr’s promiscuity allows it to generate high concentrations of D-amino acids in environments with variable compositions of L-amino acids. However, it was not clear until recent whether these molecules exhibit divergent functions. Here we review the distinctive biological roles of D-amino acids, their mechanisms of action and their modulatory properties of the biodiversity of complex eco-systems.

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