Materials & Design
Controlled shape-morphing metallic components for deployable structures
Chuck E. Hebert1  Ian D. McCue2  Steven M. Storck2  Andrew M. Lennon2  Salahudin M. Nimer2  Gianna M. Valentino2  Douglas B. Trigg2  Drew P. Seker2  Morgana M. Trexler2  James P. Mastandrea3 
[1] Force Projection Sector, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723, USA;Research and Exploratory Development Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723, USA;Space Exploration Sector, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723, USA;
关键词: Shape memory alloys;    NiTi;    Alloy doping;    Self-actuation;    Panel array;    Additive manufacturing;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Transformational advances in additive manufacturing combined with the unique functional behavior of shape memory alloys (SMAs) has propelled the field of 4D printing “smart” materials. In this study, we leverage multiple processing pathways with additive manufacturing to design and fabricate SMA components capable of precise, self-guided shape change that could actuate large-scale (up to 25 × 25 × 33 cm3) structures under external thermal stimuli. The dual benefits of minor alloy doping (<2 at%) and laser processing parameters (laser hatch spacing) were identified to be the most effective method to engineer SMA joints and hinges with locally tailored transformation temperatures over a 90 °C range. Custom-designed plywood-style NiTi hinges with self-regulating features enabled tight bend radii and compact packing sizes. Implementation of these novel SMAs hinges with large deployment structures, mimicking solar panel arrays, demonstrated a 75–90% reduction in cross-sectional area compared to the fully deployed structure. The fundamental understanding and demonstration of tailored and controlled complex shape-morphing kinematics, without the use of specialized and heavy external motors, lays the groundwork for future SMA-enabled deployable structures in remote environments.

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