Development of a DNA-Based Detection Method for Cocos Nucifera Using TaqMan™ Real-Time PCR
Oxana Kleyner1  Jasmin Wrage1  Jürgen Kuballa1  Sascha Rohn2 
[1] GALAB Laboratories GmbH, Am Schleusengraben 7, 21029 Hamburg, Germany;Institute of Food Chemistry, Hamburg School of Food Science, University of Hamburg, Grindelallee 117, 20146 Hamburg, Germany;
关键词: coconut allergy;    cocos nucifera;    primer design;    taqman™ probe;    real-time pcr;   
DOI  :  10.3390/foods9030332
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

So far, only a few cases of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated coconut allergies have been described in the literature. Due to a growing consumption of coconut-containing foods in occidental countries, the number of coconut allergies may also increase. As there is no causative immunotherapy in clinical routine, appropriate food labelling is particularly important, also with regard to cross-contamination, to prevent serious health consequences. The purpose of this study was to develop a DNA-based detection method for coconut (Cocos nucifera). Initially, three sets of coconut-specific primers were designed and tested. A TaqMan™ probe was then developed to identify and quantify coconut by real-time PCR assay. With 27 other plant and animal species, the specificity of the primer/probe system was tested and cross reactivity was excluded. In a dilution series, a limit of detection of 1 pg/µL was determined. Thus, the developed real-time PCR assay is a suitable method to detect coconut in food.

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