Поволжская археология
Bone Weapons from Mesolithic Site Pogostische 15 (Typology, Technology of Manufacture, Use-Wear Traces)
Kosorukova Natal'ya V.1  Zhilin Mikhail G.2 
[1] Cherepovets State University. Lunacharski ave., 5, Cherepovets, Vologda province, 162600, Russian Federation;Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation;
关键词: archaeology;    weapons;    bone;    Mesolithic;    typology;    technology;    manufacture;    use-wear;   
DOI  :  10.24852/2018.
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The site Pogostische 15 is situated in the north of Vologda province, in the Lake Vozhe basin. A number of 14-C dates in the interval 7800-7100 calBC were obtained on worked wood from the Masolithic find level. Pollen data place this level into the Boreal period. 128 bone artifacts were found, among them 55 arrowheads divided into 9 types. Six barbed points include two types. 13 bone spearheads are divided into 2 types. Three fragments of daggers of different types supplement the collection. Traceological analysis with the help of a stereomicroscope made possible to reconstruct technology of manufacture of bone weapons. Use-wear traces characteristic for arrowheads, javeline and spearheads were observed on a substantial number of artifacts. Mesolithic inhabitants of the site Pogostische 15 had highly developed bone weapons, which made possible successful hunting of various animals. Most semblances is observed between bone weapons of Veretye culture of the Lake Lache basin 120 km to the north on one hand, and Butovo culture of the Volga-Oka interfluve on the other. At the same time bone weapons of the site Pogostische 15 have some specific features.

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