Effects of Poloxamer Content and Storage Time of Biodegradable Starch-Chitosan Films on Its Thermal, Structural, Mechanical, and Morphological Properties
Abril Fonseca-García1  Graciela Morales1  Enrique Javier Jiménez-Regalado1  Rocio Yaneli Aguirre-Loredo1  Carolina Caicedo2 
[1] Centro de Investigación en Química Aplicada (CIQA), Blvd. Enrique Reyna Hermosillo 140, Saltillo, Coahuila 25294, Mexico;Grupo de Investigación en Química y Biotecnología (QUIBIO), Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Pampalinda, Santiago de Cali 760035, Colombia;
关键词: biodegradable packaging;    biopolymer;    starch;    storage conditions;    thermal properties;    physicochemical properties;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym13142341
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Biodegradable packaging prepared from starch is an alternative to fossil-based plastic packaging. However, the properties of starch packaging do not comply with the necessary physicochemical properties to preserve food. Hence, in a previous study, we reported the preparation of a composite polymer material based on starch-chitosan-pluronic F127 that was found to be an adequate alternative packaging material. In this study, we modified the physicochemical properties of this material by storing it for 16 months under ambient conditions. The results indicate that the incorporation of pluronic F127 in the blend polymer can help avoid the retrogradation of starch. Moreover, at higher concentrations of pluronic F127, wettability is reduced. Finally, after storage, the materials exhibited surface modification, which is related to a color change and an increase in solubility, as well as a slight increase in stiffness.

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