The Parish Review
Guest Editor’s Note - Lacunae & Palimpsests: Reading Brian O’Nolan’s Libraries
Adam Winstanley1 
[1]University of York
关键词: Walter Benjmain;    Lacunae;    Palimpsests;    Genetic Studies;    Archive;   
DOI  :  10.16995/pr.3054
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Adam Winstanley introduces this special issue of The Parish Review dedicated to 'Reading Brian O'Nolan's Libraries' with a tour d'horizon of archival and genetic criticism in O'Nolan studies. Drawing on the theories of Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, and Sarah Dillon, Winstanley details a model for thinking the relational network between O’Nolan’s writings and the various textual materials contained within his library through 'palimpsestuous reading.'To read the article, click Download or View PDF.
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