Tactical Risk Assessment Method for Resilient Fuel Supply Chains for a Military Peacekeeping Operation
Agnieszka A. Tubis1  Jacek Ryczyński2 
[1] Department of Technical Systems Operation and Maintenance, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wyspianskiego Street 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland;Faculty of Security Sciences, Institute of Safety Engineering, Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces (MULF), Czajkowskiego Street 109, 51-147 Wroclaw, Poland;
关键词: fuel supply chain;    army;    resilient;    military operations;    risk analysis;    fuzzy theory;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en14154679
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article focuses on research on the functioning of liquid fuel supply chains, supplying troops carrying out peacekeeping and stabilisation operations in a foreign territory. Timely and complete supplies of fuels in war conditions determine the achievement of the assumed goals of a military operation. They often determine the health and life of soldiers. For this reason, the role of building the resilience of supply chains to disruptions, the type and frequency of which is entirely different from the undesirable events occurring in civil goods flows, is increasing. Therefore, the critical concept supporting building the resilience of fuel supply chains is risk management in these chains. The authors have developed a risk analysis method that integrates the Kaplan and Garrick approach and the fuzzy theory. The analysis identifies the existing disturbances and assigns them to the individual phases of the supply process. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the authors analyse nine scenarios for the three most important stages of the procurement process in terms of building the resilience of the entire chain: Planning, delivery and storage. The fuzzy theory estimates the risk level for the analysed scenarios of adverse events. The proposed method is universal. It can be implemented to analyse the resistance of supply chains of other materials. It can also support the decision-making process for those responsible for planning, organisation and proper functioning of supply systems in all high-risk conditions, not only in the zone of war and stabilisation operations.

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