Journal of Cotton Research
Toward the efficient use of Beauveria bassiana in integrated cotton insect pest management
B. Dénis OLOU1  A. Thomas HOUNDETE2  Joëlle TOFFA-MEHINTO3  A. Elie DANNON4  O. Kobi DOURO-KPINDOU4  Manuele TAMÒ4  I. A. T. Maurille ELEGBEDE5  H. Fabrice DANNON5  A. Valerien ZINSOU5 
[1]Agricultural Policy Analysis Program, Agricultural Research Center, National Agricultural Research Institute
[2]Agricultural Research Center on Cotton Fiber, National Agricultural Research Institute
[3]Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, National University of Sciences Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
[4]International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
[5]Laboratory of Phytotechnic, Improvement and Protection of Plants, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou
关键词: Biopesticide;    Entomopathogenic fungus;    Beauveria bassiana;    Action modes;    Pest management;    Cotton;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42397-020-00061-5
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background For controlling the resistance to insects, in particular carpophagous and phyllophagous caterpillars, using chemical pesticides has led to contamination of cotton area in Benin. Facing this problem, alternative methods including the use of entomopathogenic fungi as biopesticide could be a sound measure to preserve the environment, biodiversity and ensure good quality of crops. Previous studies have revealed the insecticidal potential of the entomopathogenic Beauveria bassiana on some insect pest species. However, little is known about its effectiveness on cotton Lepidopteran pests. This review is done to learn more about B. bassina for its application in controlling cotton insect pests, especially Lepidopteran species. Main body Different sections of the current review deal with the related description and action modes of B. bassiana against insects, multi-trophic interactions between B. bassiana and plants, arthropods, soil and other microbes, and biological control programs including B. bassiana during last decade. Advantages and constraints in applying B. bassiana and challenges in commercialization of B. bassiana-based biopesticide have been addressed. In this review, emphasis is put on the application methods and targeted insects in various studies with regard to their applicability in cotton. Conclusion This review helps us to identify the knowledge gaps related to application of B. bassiana on cotton pest in general and especially in Lepidopteran species in Benin. This work should be supported by complementary laboratory bioassays, station and/or fields experiments for effective management of cotton Lepidopteran pests in Benin.
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