Implementación de un sistema de adquisición de datos para monitorear una máquina de corriente directa
关键词: Virtual instrumentation;    Direct current machine;    Graphical Programming;    Data Acquisition system.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

On this paper, we present a data acquisition system implemented to monitor the mechanic and electric variables in a direct current machine. Tension, current, torque, and speed signals are captured bymeans of suitable transducers to be sent to a personal computer (PC) to observe their behavior and the relation between them, on different working states in the machine. A laboratory tool is given to offer the view and analysis of the behavior in rotation electric machines, promoting alternative ways in teaching processes in this area as well as in subjects such as graphical programming and instrumentation.

【 授权许可】


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