Internet Archaeology
A Four Stage Approach to Community Archaeology, illustrated with case studies from Dorset, England
Kate Welham1  John Gale1  Hayley Roberts1 
[1] Bournemouth University;
关键词: archaeology;    community archaeology;    public archaeology;    methodology;    evaluation;    dorset;    uk;   
DOI  :  10.11141/ia.55.6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article presents an approach to guide the planning, development and evaluation of community archaeology. This will assist practitioners of all forms of community archaeology by providing a pathway to ethical practice that will benefit all. The approach focuses attention on four elements that are integral to community archaeology and which should always be considered: Who (the people involved); Why (their motivation); the Archaeology (in the broadest sense, including research questions and research methods); and How (the specific format the community engagement will take). This framework is applied to three case study community archaeology projects in Dorset, England, in order to demonstrate challenging examples of planned and reflexive community archaeology.

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