Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Methodology to Extend Technology Readiness Levels in SONAR Simulation from Laboratory Validation to Hydrography Demonstrator
Matija Rossi1  Daniel Toal2  Gerard Dooly2  James Riordan3  Francis Flannery4 
[1] Intelligent Systems, University of Limerick, Limerick V94 T9PX, Ireland;;Centre for Robotics &School of Computing, Engineering, and Physical Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow G72 0AG, Scotland;SonarSim Ltd., Hartnett EAC, Limerick V94 E8YF, Ireland;
关键词: sonar;    acoustics;    modelling;    simulation;    real-time;    level of detail;    GPGPU;    robotics;    marine;    underwater;    interdisciplinary;    fractals;    multibeam;    sidescan;    pedagogy;    hydrography;   
DOI  :  10.3390/jmse7050159
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper extends underwater SONAR simulation from laboratory prototype to real-world demonstrator. It presents the interdisciplinary methodology to advance the state of the art from level four to level seven on the technology readiness level (TRL) standard scale for measuring the maturity of innovations. While SONAR simulation offers the potential to unlock cost-effective personnel capacity building in hydrography, demonstration of virtualised survey-scale operations is a prerequisite for validation by practitioners. Our research approach uses the TRL framework to identify and map current barriers to the use of simulation to interdisciplinary solutions adapted from multiple domains. To meet the distinct challenges of acceptance tests at each level in the TRL scale, critical knowledge is incorporated from different branches of science, engineering, project management, and pedagogy. The paper reports the simulator development at each escalation of TRL. The contributions to simulator performance and usability at each level of advancement are presented, culminating in the first case study demonstration of SONAR simulation as a real-world hydrographic training platform.

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