Applied Sciences
Diauxie Studies in Biogas Production from Gelatin and Adaptation of the Modified Gompertz Model: Two-Phase Gompertz Model
Martin Strangfeld1  CarolinaScaraffuni Gomes1  Michael Meyer1 
[1]Forschungsinstitut für Leder und Kunststoffbahnen (FILK) gGmbH, Freiberg, 09599 Saxony, Germany
关键词: biogas production;    anaerobic digestion;    diauxie;    Gompertz model;    gelatin;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app11031067
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The anaerobic degradation of gelatin results in a two-phase cumulative biogas production curve, i.e., diauxie behaviour. The modified Gompertz model is normally used to fit these curves but due to the diauxie it would result in a less accurate representation. Furthermore, this inhibition slows down the production of biogas in batch reactors. This study adapted the modified Gompertz model to fit cumulative biogas production curves with diauxie behaviour and to investigate the inhibition that leads to this diauxie. Results show that the two-phase Gompertz model can fit diauxie curves with high accuracy and that diauxie curves are not a direct consequence of the accumulation of volatile fatty acids produced in the process of anaerobic digestion.
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