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Identificação das características associadas com a aprovação de candidatos de escolas públicas e privadas, Vestibular-2004, UFMG Identification of the factors associated with the approval of candidates from public and private schools, Vestibular-2004, UFMG
关键词: CART;    Fator Socioeconômico;    Curva ROC;    CART;    socioeconomic factor;    ROC curve;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-46982007000200006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Este trabalho visa a conhecer melhor o perfil dos candidatos oriundos de escolas das redes públicas e privadas de ensino que tentaram ingressar na UFMG em 2004. Busca-se identificar quais das características definidas no questionário socioeconômico e cultural aplicado no ato da inscrição do candidato podem estar mais associadas com a aprovação no vestibular. Conclui-se que o local de moradia e o conhecimento de língua estrangeira são as variáveis mais fortemente associadas com a aprovação do candidato de escolas particulares e escolas públicas, respectivamente. Verificou-se que, entre os candidatos que concluíram o ensino médio em escolas públicas, os que estudaram em escolas públicas federais tendem a se concentrar nos grupos com maiores chances de aprovação.
This paper aims to better understand the profile of the candidates for the UFMG entrance examination in 2004, coming from public and private schools. The objective is to identify which of the characteristics defined through a socioeconomic and cultural questionnaire answered by the candidates upon their application for the entrance examination may be associated with their approval at the University exams. It was found that the place where the candidates live and their knowledge of a foreign language are the variants more strongly related to the approval of the candidates of private schools and public schools, respectively. It was also found that, among the candidates who concluded high school at public schools that attained the highest chances of approval, there was a large percentage of candidates that attended high school in federal establishments.

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