IEEE Access
A Lattice Hydrodynamic Model of Bidirectional Pedestrian Traffic Considering the Cumulative Effect of Delay Time
Dong Chen1  Hong-Di He2  Bing-Ling Cen3  Yu Xue3  Xue Wang3 
[1] College of Management Science and Engineering, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanning, China;Department of International Shipping, College of Ship Construction, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China;Institute of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, China;
关键词: Pedestrian traffic;    lattice hydrodynamic model;    stability analysis;    nonlinear analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952215
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A two-dimensional lattice hydrodynamic model with bidirectional flow is proposed with consideration of the continuous cumulative effect of delayed-time. The stability condition is obtained by linear analysis. Nonlinear analysis derived the mKdV equation to depict density wave of pedestrian congestion. The phase diagram shows the coexistence curve and the neutral stability curve. The neutral stability curve reveals the stable region and unstable region. The unstable region is shrunken with the increase of fraction c of east-bound and west-bound pedestrian from all pedestrians (c ≤ 0.5). Moreover, the increase of delay time can reduce the unstable region too. It indicates that the cumulative effect of delay time can effectively improve the stability of pedestrian traffic. In numerical simulation and analysis, we discuss the impacts of delay time and strength coefficient on pedestrian traffic. Results indicate that the cumulative effect of delayed-time and the increase of strength coefficient λ can improve the stability of pedestrian traffic under a certain conditions.

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