Examples and Counterexamples
Remarks on the preservation and breaking of translational symmetry for a class of ODEs
Keoni Castellano1  Edward Huynh2 
[1] Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Box 454020, NV, USA;Corresponding author.;
关键词: Periodic solutions;    Symmetry breaking;    Symmetry preservation;    Group action;    Critical groups;    Morse index;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we provide both a preservation and breaking of symmetry theorem for 2π-periodic problems of the form −u′′(t)+g(u(t))=f(t)u(0)−u(2π)=u′(0)−u′(2π)=0where g:R→Ris a given C1function and f:[0,2π]→Ris continuous. We provide a preservation of symmetry result that is analogous to one given by (Willem, 1989) and a generalization of the theorem given by (Costa and Fang, 2019). Both of these theorems consider the group action of translation — which corresponds to periodicity.

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