IZA Journal of Labor Policy
From unemployment to self-employment: The role of entrepreneurship training
Davis Scott1  Michaelides Marios1 
[1] Department of Economics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, American Institutes of Research, Washington, D.C., USA;
关键词: great recession;    self-employment;    entrepreneurship;    start-up;    small business;    entrepreneurship training;    unemployment;    policy evaluation;    reemployment;    j6;    h4;   
DOI  :  10.2478/izajolp-2020-0018
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We present experimental evidence on the effects of entrepreneurship training for unemployed workers in the U.S. at two different stages in the business cycle. In the context of a strong economy, training helped training participants – particularly those with prior self-employment experience – to start a business and become self-employed, while it may have persuaded others to pursue salary employment instead. During the Great Recession, training helped training participants become self-employed, particularly those with no prior self-employment experience. Regardless of economic conditions, positive impacts on self-employment were partly or largely offset by reductions in regular employment. These findings indicate that entrepreneurship training may help unemployed workers to become self-employed at different stages of the business cycle, but there is weak evidence that it can be an effective policy for combating unemployment, particularly during recessions.

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