Majallah-i Dānishgāh-i ̒Ulūm-i Pizishkī-i Bābul
Nanosuspensions: a New Approach in Drug Delivery
M Aghajani1  SH Mostafavi1  A Amani1  AM Pashazadeh1 
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关键词: Nanosuspension;    Low-soluble drugs;    Solubility;    Stability;    Optimization;    Bioavailability;    Particle size distribution;    Microfluidic;    Nucleation;    Polydispersity index.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACTBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:A large number of new development drugs are soluble poorly in both organic and aqueous media which shows a low bioavailability using formulation traditional methods. A promising approach to solve this problem is the formation of nanosuspensions. Various articles about the increasing solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble or insoluble drugs by nanosuspension were evaluated. In formulation of nanosuspensions, submicron-sized drug particles are dispersed in a liquid phase then they stabilize using surfactants. With respect to the studies in the subject, in order to eliminate the toxicity or to increase efficiency of drugs, nanosuspension formulation was used to formulate drug components. The main advantages of this approach are its application for the most drugs and doing it simply. In this work, common approaches of the preparation of nanosuspensions, its unique properties, advantages, potential applications and stability evaluation techniques, is mentioned. Considering the specific features of nanosuspensions such as, increasing saturation solubility and dissolution rate, increased adhesion, ease of manufacturing process and scale-up and versatility (flexibility offered in the modification of surface properties and particle size), there will be many applications for this formulation in different routes of drug delivery.

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