Flex Sensor Compensator via Hammerstein–Wiener Modeling Approach for Improved Dynamic Goniometry and Constrained Control of a Bionic Hand
SyedAfdar Ali Syed Mubarak Ali1  NurSyazreen Ahmad1  Patrick Goh1 
[1] School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia;
关键词: flex sensor;    hand gesture;    Hammerstein–Wiener;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s19183896
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, a new control-centric approach is introduced to model the characteristics of flex sensors on a goniometric glove, which is designed to capture the user hand gesture that can be used to wirelessly control a bionic hand. The main technique employs the inverse dynamic model strategy along with a black-box identification for the compensator design, which is aimed to provide an approximate linear mapping between the raw sensor output and the dynamic finger goniometry. To smoothly recover the goniometry on the bionic hand’s side during the wireless transmission, the compensator is restructured into a Hammerstein−Wiener model, which consists of a linear dynamic system and two static nonlinearities. A series of real-time experiments involving several hand gestures have been conducted to analyze the performance of the proposed method. The associated temporal and spatial gesture data from both the glove and the bionic hand are recorded, and the performance is evaluated in terms of the integral of absolute error between the glove’s and the bionic hand’s dynamic goniometry. The proposed method is also compared with the raw sensor data, which has been preliminarily calibrated with the finger goniometry, and the Wiener model, which is based on the initial inverse dynamic design strategy. Experimental results with several trials for each gesture show that a great improvement is obtained via the Hammerstein−Wiener compensator approach where the resulting average errors are significantly smaller than the other two methods. This concludes that the proposed strategy can remarkably improve the dynamic goniometry of the glove, and thus provides a smooth human−robot collaboration with the bionic hand.

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