Resonance: the Sonic Environment of Vergil’s Eclogues
关键词: Vergil;    Eclogues;    pastoral;    echo;    resonance;    metapoetry;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper examines the sonic world of the Eclogues, arguing that 'resonance' might be a more appropriate term under which to consider it than the more commonly cited 'echo'. It examines not only the characteristic sonic effects of the Eclogues as poetry, but also the importance of a resonant acoustic to the pastoral genre. The discussion of resonance in the Eclogues lead to a reconsideration of current trends in the study of intertextuality and metapoetry as well as the implications of the term resonance for the reception of the Eclogues.

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