Bìznes Inform
The Features of Capital Management in Joint Stock Companies
Kvasha Oleh V.1 
[1] The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
关键词: joint stock company;    capital;    corporate management;    profit;    stakeholders;   
DOI  :  10.32983/2222-4459-2021-2-266-273
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is concerned with studying of the features of capital management in joint stock companies. The concept of joint stock capital as an economic category is considered. The approaches to determining the essence of the concept of «joint stock capital» are analyzed. The system of management of joint stock capital of enterprise is presented, it is determined that the process of joint stock capital management is an aggregate of methods, forms and instruments for attracting funds from various sources in accordance with the needs of the development of the joint stock company. The formula for assessing the market value of enterprise is considered. The process of formation of equity of the enterprise is analyzed; the advantages and disadvantages of the types of sources of this type of funding are described. The peculiarities of attracting borrowed capital are studied and the influence of this method on the financial stability of the joint-stock company is described. The peculiarities of joint stock capital management on the example of PJSC «Motor Sich» have been characterized and conclusions have been drawn on optimizing the policy of capital management in joint stock companies. On the basis of the research of the theoretical aspect of the essence of the joint stock capital it is determined that the system of capital management in a joint stock company is characterized by interdependence and consistency of various subsystems and elements upon which depends the efficiency of functioning of the whole system, and, accordingly, the final result of effective capital management of the joint-stock company. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of new interdependences between the elements that influence the adoption of managerial decisions in the management of joint stock capital. Further development of the theory of joint stock capital management in the context of behavioral economics can lead up to the replacement of classical economic models of behavior of the economic entity and up to the creation of a new mechanism for managing the joint stock capital of the enterprise.

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