PT-Level High-Sensitivity Magnetic Sensor with Amorphous Wire
Dongfeng He1 
[1] National Institute for Materials Science, 1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan;
关键词: magnetic sensor;    fecosib;    amorphous wire;    resonant circuit;    eddy current testing;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20010161
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A picotesla (PT) level high-sensitivity magnetic sensor with amorphous wire was developed. The magnetic sensor was composed of a (Fe0.06Co0.94)72.5Si2.5B15 (FeCoSiB) amorphous wire with a coil wound around it. The amorphous wire had a diameter of 0.1 mm and a length of 5 mm. The coil was 30 turns. There was no electrical connection with the amorphous wire. The sensor was biased by an alternating current (AC) of about 1 MHz and a direct current (DC). To increase the sensitivity, a resonant circuit was used, and the signal amplitude of the magnetic sensor was increased 10 times from 10 mV/Gauss to about 100 mV/Gauss. The magnetic field resolution was improved 5 times from 30 pT/√Hz to 6 pT/√Hz. An eddy current testing system with a magnetic sensor was developed, and the artificial defects in an aluminum plate were evaluated.

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