Nordlyd: Tromsø University Working Papers on Language & Linguistics
When the prefixes meet the suffixes
关键词: Slavic;    syntax;    morphology;    morphosyntax;    prefixes;    imperfective;   
DOI  :  10.7557/12.73
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper explores the different interpretations the prefix po- in Polish gets depending on what kind of stem it attaches to. Thus, I show that the distinction between high and low suffixing verbalizers correlates with a distinction within the prefixal domain, namely the type of verbalizer influences the interpretation that po- is assigned, as well as being responsible for the restriction on po- attachment.1 I argue for four different structural positions into which a prefix can be inserted. The system bears on the way Aspectual proper- ties are decided in the course of the derivation, with three different aspectual levels (Asp1P relevant for most of the prefixes, Asp2P i.e. Secondary Imperfective (henceforth, SI), and Asp3P relevant for po- exclusively) contributing information which can be overridden on higher levels.
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