Ar trebui femeile să fie hirotonite ca pastori? Considerații asupra Vechiului Testament (partea a 4-a) [Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? Thoughts on the Old Testament (Part 4)]
关键词: leadership;    women;    public ministry;    monarchy;    eschatology;    sages;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This is the last part of a four-part series of studies published in the previous issues of TheoRhēma on women ordination from an Old Testament perspective, including the eschatological future envisaged by the same. It has been argued that the OT witness regarding male-female relations in the covenant community indicates that despite the patriarchal culture and divine condescension to the hardness of human hearts, the way back to the Edenic ideal for equality in gender relations was upheld in that all the various kinds or positions of leadership according to God’s ideal were open to, and filled by, women: priest, prophet, elder, judge, military leader, sage, musician/worship leader, and preacher/proclaimer of the Word. Only the position of monarch was not open to women in Israel, but this was the one position not part of God’s original plan, and concerning which He warned would bring about an oppressive, hierarchical style of leadership. Outside of Israel, however, women such as the Queen of Sheba and Esther ably filled the royal role.

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