Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review
Information Security Awareness in Public Administrations at an International Level
Lilla Garayová1 
[1] Pan-European University;
关键词: public administration;    privacy;    data protection;    private information;   
DOI  :  10.53116/pgaflr.2019.2.3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Privacy and data protection laws have changed significantly over the last two decades. The highly networked and interconnected world we live in today was only a flash on the horizon in the 1990s. The Internet itself was still a whole new innovation for many people. Many businesses have not had a public website yet. Concepts, such as online social media platforms, did not exist – and certainly no one thought about how they should be regulated. Smartphones, wearable technology and artificial intelligence have made huge leaps over the past 20 years – powered by new ways of data acquisition and processing. As a result, courts and regulators have increasingly had to adapt the aging data protection laws to suit a constantly changing world for which they were simply not designed. Government digital agendas worldwide go hand in hand with this fast-paced digital evolution. Information security and awareness should be a crucial part of public administration agendas with the primary goal to protect information of all types and origins.

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