International Journal of Coal Science & Technology
Atmospheric disturbance on the gas explosion in closed fire zone
Wenhe Wang1  Shuo Wang1  Yulong Duan1  Kai Zheng2 
[1] College of Safety Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University;
关键词: Fire zone;    Early closure time;    Atmospheric disturbance;    Oxygen concentration;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s40789-020-00295-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In order to avoid serious safety accidents caused by closed fire zone, based on the continuous monitoring of atmospheric pressure at different monitoring points in multiple mines, the atmospheric pressure fluctuation model and the air leakage model were established and analyzed. The change law with time of oxygen concentration and gas concentration in the fire zone were obtained due to atmospheric disturbances under the influence of different pressure difference, volume and size of fire area, wind resistance, gas emission, sealing moments, etc. so as to evaluate the explosion risk of a closed fire zone. Research showed that the mine atmosphere fluctuates with the atmosphere of ground, and the pressure difference between the inner and outer sides of the enclosed fire zone is affected by the periodic fluctuation of atmosphere, which has about 16-h cosine fluctuation and approximate 8-h fixed value. Compared with the fire zone with poor sealing quality, good sealing fire zone has better resistance to atmospheric disturbance. The reduction of oxygen concentration in the inner side of a well-sealed fire zone mainly depends on the dilution of methane, which is more likely to accumulate and rise rapidly. And the fire zone with poor sealing quality is easy to be interfered. The inner oxygen concentration and gas concentration are easily affected by the absolute gas emission and the air leakage in the fire zone. Fire zone with small wind resistance and small volume is especially obvious. At the initial stage of the closed fire zone it's very possible to happen explosion. The time duration of explosion danger varies under different conditions, and the atmospheric disturbance may lead to repeated explosions in some cases. It's suggested to take some methods to avoid explosions according to the real-time situation, closure time, oxygen concentration and gas concentration of fire zone.

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