Nauka i Obrazovanie
Workspace of Parallel Mechanism of Dodekapod Type
S. H. Dang1 
[1] Bauman Moscow State Technical University;
关键词: dodekapod;    parallel manipulator;    workspace analysis;   
DOI  :  10.7463/1014.0712404
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Dodekapod represents a parallel mechanism based on Stewart's platform. The mechanism consists of 12 bars and six hinged knots. Unlike Stewart's platform, each of two platforms of a dodekapod can change the sizes. This circumstance allows us to use a dodekapod in various engineering areas, namely in handling systems, transport mechanisms, machines, tiny robots, and robotic systems. The working space is one of the important characteristics of a dodekapod. When determining a working space, we can draw up the necessary data of a dodekapod, develop an algorithm of the movement, etc. 

Conclusion. The work offers algorithms to create finite-dimensional approximation of working space of a dodekapod and perform approximate calculation of this space volume. It presents results of computing experiments with developed algorithms and software to show their high efficiency.

【 授权许可】


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