RUDN Journal of Philosophy
Information Society and Media in the Postmodern Communicative Space
D I Chistyakov1 
[1]Московский государственный институт международных отношений (Университет) МИД РФ
关键词: информационное общество;    постсовременность;    постмодернизм;    масс-медиа;    информационное знание;    коммуникация;    коммуникативное пространство;    симулякр;    симуляция;    гиперреальность;    сложный социум;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the problems related to the communicative and information media space. The author suggests that in the postmodern society the information being created by mass-media tends to be a tool to measure the social reality substituting sometimes the reality and its objective perception. The author also reviews the relationship of an individual with the postmodern society that can be defined via endless torrents of information, media images, symbols and simulacra. Basing on the works by acclaimed postmodernists and researchers of the information field Jean Baudrillard and Jean-François Lyotard postmodern communicative space is viewed as dialoguing subject and object involved in production and distribution of the information.
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