Using a Vegetation Index-Based Mixture Model to Estimate Fractional Vegetation Cover Products by Jointly Using Multiple Satellite Data: Method and Feasibility Analysis
Jing Zhao1  Bo Zhong1  Li Wang1  Zheng Niu1  Wanjuan Song1  Xihan Mu2  Tian Zhao2  Guangjian Yan2 
[1]State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
[2]State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
关键词: joint use of multiple satellite data;    Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC);    vegetation index (VI) based mixture model;    spectral response function;    spatial resolution;   
DOI  :  10.3390/f13050691
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Remote sensing fractional vegetation cover (FVC) requires both finer-resolution and high-frequency in climate and ecosystem research. The increasing availability of finer-resolution (≤ 30 m) remote sensing data makes this possible. However, data from different satellites have large differences in spatial resolution, spectral response function, and so on, making joint use difficult. Herein, we showed that the vegetation index (VI)-based mixture model with the appropriate VI values of pure vegetation (Vv) and bare soil (Vs) from the MODIS BRDF product via the multi-angle VI method (MultiVI) was feasible to estimate FVC with multiple satellite data. Analyses of the spatial resolution and spectral response function differences for MODIS and other satellites including Landsat 8, Chinese GF 1, and ZY 3 predicted that (1) the effect of Vv and Vs downscaling on FVC estimation uncertainty varied from satellite to satellite due to the positioning differences, and (2) after spectral normalization, the uncertainty (RMSDs) for FVC estimation decreased by ~2.6% compared with the results without spectral normalization. FVC estimation across multiple satellite data will help to improve the spatiotemporal resolution of FVC products, which is an important development for numerous biophysical applications. Herein, we proved that the VI-based mixture model with Vv and Vs from MultiVI is a strong candidate.
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