Journal of High Energy Physics
Analytic bootstrap for boundary CFT
Alexander Söderberg1  Tobias Hansen1  Agnese Bissi1 
[1] Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University;
关键词: Conformal Field Theory;    Boundary Quantum Field Theory;    Renormalization Group;   
DOI  :  10.1007/JHEP01(2019)010
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract We propose a method to analytically solve the bootstrap equation for two point functions in boundary CFT. We consider the analytic structure of the correlator in Lorentzian signature and in particular the discontinuity of bulk and boundary conformal blocks to extract CFT data. As an application, the correlator 〈ϕϕ〉 in ϕ 4 theory at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point is computed to order ϵ 2 in the ϵ expansion.

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