Transmission of 3D Holographic Information via Conventional Communication Channels and the Possibility of Multiplexing in the Implementation of 3D Hyperspectral Images
Artem L. Pazoev1  Sergey A. Shoydin1 
[1] Department of Photonics and Device Engineering, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, 10 Plakhotnogo St., 630108 Novosibirsk, Russia;
关键词: holography;    digital holography;    interference;    holographic interference fringes;    3D photography;    single sideband modulation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/photonics8100448
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper shows the possibility of transmitting 3D holographic information in real time with a TV frame rate over conventional radio channels by transmitting two two-dimensional signals in two image modes: depth map and surface texture of the object (mask + texture). The authors point out that it is similar to compression through eliminating the carrier and it is inherently similar to SSB (single-sideband modulation) but has higher resolution ability in reconstructing 3D images. It is also shown that such technology for transmitting 3D holographic information is in good agreement with the tasks of both aggregating and multiplexing 3D images when they are transferred from one part of the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation to another and the creation of hyperspectral 3D images.

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