Present Environment and Sustainable Development
The Main Characteristics of the Urban Climate in Relation to the Built Space Evolution in Bucharest, Romania
Manea Cosmina-Andreea1  Ilea Raul-Gabriel2  Antonescu Marina-Aurelia2 
[1] ;Master Students, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Romania;
关键词: urban topoclimate;    center-periphery differences;    urban growth;    Bucharest;   
DOI  :  10.2478/pesd-2019-0006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The urban climate is a specific type of topoclimate characteristic to big cities, like Bucharest, which is formed due to the horizontal and vertical expansion of the space, the nature of the materials used for constructions, the pollution, and other side effects of the socio-economic activities. The main objective of this study is the analysis of the variability of four main meteorological elements (air temperature, atmospheric precipitation, relative air humidity, duration of sunshine) in Bucharest and its neighboring area, in relation to the built space evolution. In the last decades, Bucharest has been experiencing an exceptional development, materialized both by territorial expansion, as well as structural-functional and architectural-urbanistic transformations. The fact that the population of the city is increasing, correlated with the expansion of the built space area, suggests the intensity of the urban sprawl phenomena. This has numerous side effects, among which is the creation of a specific topoclimate, different from the one in the periphery. As an example, the results of the meteorological analysis showed that the air temperature is higher inside the city, at the Filaret station, with 0.1ºC, than at the periphery (Baneasa station) and the periurban area (Afumati station).

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