Plasma Levels of a Cleaved Form of Galectin-9 Are the Most Sensitive Biomarkers of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Tuberculosis Coinfection
ShirleyT. Padilla1  Rontgene Solante1  Daisuke Furushima2  Haorile Chagan-Yasutan3  Toshio Hattori3  Gaowa Bai3  Toshiro Niki4  RosarioJessica Tactacan-Abrenica5  ElizabethFreda Telan6  Yosuke Maeda7 
[1] Adult Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine, San Lazaro Hospital, Manila 1003, Philippines;Department of Drug Evaluation and Informatics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan;Department of Health Science and Social Welfare, Kibi International University, Takahashi 716-8508, Japan;Department of Immunology, Kagawa University, Kita-gun, Kagawa 7610793, Japan;HIV Department, San Lazaro Hospital, Manila 1003, Philippines;STD AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory, San Lazaro Hospital, Manila 1003, Philippines;Viral Section, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-0811, Japan;
关键词: AIDS;    tuberculosis;    galectin-9;    osteopontin;    truncated Gal-9;    severity;   
DOI  :  10.3390/biom10111495
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) complicated with tuberculosis (TB) is a global public issue. Due to the paucity of bacteria in AIDS/TB, blood-based biomarkers that reflect disease severity are desired. Plasma levels of matricellular proteins, such as osteopontin (OPN) and galectin-9 (Gal-9), are known to be elevated in AIDS and TB. Therefore, full-length (FL)-Gal9 and FL-OPN, and their truncated forms (Tr-Gal9, Ud-OPN), and 38 cytokines/chemokines were measured in the plasma of 24 AIDS (other than TB), 49 TB, and 33 AIDS/TB patients. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis was used to screen molecules that could distinguish either between disease and normal group, among each disease group, or between deceased patients and survivors. Selected molecules were further analyzed for significant differences. Tr-Gal9 had the highest ability to differentiate TB from AIDS or AIDS/TB, while Ud-OPN distinguished multidrug resistance (MDR)-TB from non-MDR TB, and extra-pulmonary TB from pulmonary TB. Molecules significantly elevated in deceased patients included; FL-Gal9, Tr-Gal9, interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-17A and transforming growth factor-α in AIDS; IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 in TB; and macrophage inflammatory protein-1β in AIDS/TB. From the sensitivity, specificity, and significant elevation, Tr-Gal9 is the best biomarker of inflammation and severity in AIDS and AIDS/TB.

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