IEEE Access
Enhanced Time Average Model of Three Phase Voltage Source Converter Taking Dead-Time Distortion Effect Into Account
Kuo Lung Lian1  Huang Jen Chiu2  Arief Noor Rahman2 
[1] Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan;Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan;
关键词: Voltage source converter;    time average modeling;    dead-time distortion;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3056799
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Average switch simulation has the advantage of being much faster to simulate than the switching simulation but it lacks any harmonics or distortion on the converter current waveform. In a hardware converter, the current distortion is caused by the dead-time between high side and low side switching devices provided to avoid switch shoot-through. To improve the fidelity of average switch simulation, this paper provides a simple method to induce the distortion resulting from the dead-time. The result of average switch simulation can thus closely resemble the result of switching simulation in a fraction of the simulation time. To validate the accuracy of this average switch simulation, the result of this simulation is compared with the detail switching simulation and the waveform from actual hardware measurement.

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