Chronic Nicotine Exposure Increases Hematoma Expansion following Collagenase-Induced Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats
Weizhao Zhao1  Zhexuan Zhang1  Ami P. Raval2  Sunjoo Cho2  Kunjan R. Dave2  Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon2  Ashish K. Rehni2 
[1] Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA;Peritz Scheinberg Cerebral Vascular Disease Research Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Neurology Research Building, 1420 NW 9th Avenue, Room203, Miami, FL 33136, USA;
关键词: cigarette;    tobacco;    smoking;    risk factor;    stroke;   
DOI  :  10.3390/biom12050621
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) is a deadly stroke subtype, and tobacco use increases sICH risk. However epidemiological studies show that, there are no confirmatory studies showing the effect of tobacco use on sICH outcome. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of chronic nicotine exposure (as a surrogate for tobacco use) on outcomes following sICH. Young male and female rats were randomly assigned to either nicotine (4.5 mg/kg b.w. per day) or vehicle (saline) treatment (2–3 weeks) groups. sICH was induced by injecting collagenase into the right striatum. Neurological score and hematoma volume were determined 24 h post-sICH. The hematoma volumes in nicotine-treated male and female rats were significantly higher by 42% and 48% when compared to vehicle-treated male and female rats, respectively. Neurological deficits measured in terms of neurological score for the nicotine-treated male and female groups were significantly higher when compared to the respective vehicle-treated male and female groups. Our results show that chronic nicotine exposure increases hematoma volume post-sICH in rats of both sexes. Identifying the mechanism of nicotine-dependent increase in hematoma growth post-sICH will be crucial to understanding the detrimental effect of tobacco use on the severity of bleeding following intracerebral hemorrhage.

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