Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı
Çanakkale Merkeze ve İlçelerine Yerleştirilen Giriti Mübadil Göçmenler
关键词: Crete;    Çanakkale;    Population Exchange;    Immigrant;    Migration;    Settler;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The migrations from Crete to Turkey were regularly done according to the Population Exchange Protocol signed on January 30, 1923 during the Lausanne Peace Talks. The population exchange started in the November of the year 1923 within the frame of the Exchange Protocol. Cretan immigrants were brought to Çanakkale and its environs by sea to be resettled in the region within the frame of the Population Exchange. These Cretan immigrants were settled in the regions of Çanakkale, Ayvacık and Küçükkuyu. Agricultural estates and trading houses were given to the immigrants in the settlement regions by the Turkish State. The Cretan immigrants started to maintain their lives in their new homeland by engaging in agriculture and trade in these estates.

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